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AcceleDent®: A safe way to expedite your orthodontic treatment

October 14th, 2020

Millions of patients around the world are currently undergoing or have already completed orthodontic treatment. On average, traditional braces can take up to two years or more to straighten the teeth, a time that is filled with periodic orthodontic visits at Carcara Orthodontics for Dr. Sal Carcara to monitor progress and tighten the braces. Though the outcome is always worth the duration of treatment, many patients would prefer to shed their braces faster than traditional treatment allows.

Shorter treatment times with AcceleDent

AcceleDent is changing the way orthodontic patients achieve a straighter smile. This revolutionary technology makes it possible to shorten treatment time by up to 50 percent, compared to traditional braces without AcceleDent. Since 2009, thousands of people around the world have benefited from the AcceleDent rapid-correction technology, and the numbers are growing day by day!

AcceleDent is a daily-use device that includes a fitted mouthpiece and an activator. This activator delivers gentle, pain-free pulses that encourage your teeth to move more quickly in the direction of your orthodontic device. When used for 20 minutes each day as prescribed by our office, AcceleDent can cut a two-year treatment in half!

Of course, any daily commitment requires convenience and portability. AcceleDent was designed for versatility, with a lightweight, compact design and a convenient storage case. The device easily charges via its USB port, which also doubles as a computer connection to track your history of use.

Is AcceleDent right for you?

You may be a candidate for AcceleDent if you are undergoing or preparing to undergo orthodontic treatment and are interested in a shorter treatment time. AcceleDent is available by prescription only, so you must consult with our Westwood, NJ office if you think this technology could be right for you.

Don’t let braces ruin your Halloween

October 7th, 2020

Halloween is a time to enjoy delicious candies you might avoid the rest of the year. Youngsters who get to dress up and ask for sweet treats out trick-or-treating cherish this holiday.

If you have braces on, Dr. Sal Carcara would like you still to have fun and celebrate Halloween this year!

It’s easy to get carried away on Halloween by eating too much candy at once. Most parents try to prevent the all-too-common sugar high their kids experience on Halloween night. While there are certain candies that should be avoided, not all candy will cause problems for kids with braces. After trick-or-treating, you could trade unsafe candies with siblings and/or friends so they don’t miss out on the sugar buzz.

Dr. Sal Carcara and our team have come up with a list of teeth-friendly treats that should keep you from worrying about breaking your braces. We also came up with a list of candies to avoid, so as to save you a trip to our Westwood, NJ office. Remember to be extra careful when you indulge this Halloween!

Braces-Friendly Sweets

  • Solid chocolate: Milk, white, or dark
  • Nougat-filled candy bars: Three Musketeers
  • Powdery candy: Sweet Tarts, Pixie Stix
  • Mint-flavored candy
  • Malted milk balls
  • Soft cookies
  • Peanut butter crackers

Avoid These Treats

  • Sticky candy: Starbursts, toffee, Tootsie Rolls
  • Hard candy: Suckers, Jolly Ranchers
  • Taffy
  • Caramels
  • Fruit chews
  • Gum
  • Caramel apples
  • Skittles
  • M&Ms

When in doubt, ask Dr. Sal Carcara if a particular candy is safe to eat when you have braces. We hope you enjoy your Halloween sweets, and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment! Happy Halloween!

Tips for Cleaning Lingual Braces

September 30th, 2020

Lingual braces are a lot like regular braces, but they have brackets and wires on the inside of the teeth instead of the outside. Why choose this type of appliance? Because lingual braces offer some benefits other braces don’t.

Lingual braces are almost invisible to the people around you. If you’re involved in a contact sport, they are much less likely to contact your lips and mouth. (But you should still wear a mouthguard!) If you play a reed or brass instrument, they won’t have as much impact on your lips, your mouth, and your performance. And, did we mention they’re almost invisible?

Just like regular braces, lingual braces require careful cleaning to protect your teeth from staining, plaque and cavities. But because the brackets are located on the inside of the teeth, making sure your teeth are their cleanest can be a bit more challenging. Here are some suggestions for making your life with lingual braces a little easier.

  • Think Small

Because you will be working on the inside of your mouth, a brush with a smaller head might be more maneuverable (and more comfortable!) in a tighter space. If you use an electric toothbrush, look for a head attachment in a smaller size or one especially designed for orthodontic appliances.

And for the tiniest spaces, use the tiniest brushes. Interdental brushes, also called interproximal brushes, can fit between your wires to clean around brackets as well as removing plaque between teeth.

  • Thread Alert

How to get that floss under the wire? Special tools called floss threaders can help get your dental floss where it needs to be. Or try one of the flosses meant for braces wearers, which offer pre-cut strands with a stiff tip at one end to thread between teeth and through wires more easily.

  • Top Picks

For removing food particles and plaque between teeth, try interdental soft picks. These have a flexible, textured pick at the tip to fit gently into smaller, tighter spaces. They are also easy to carry on the go if you aren’t able to floss.

  • Water Power

Water flossers use a pulsing stream of water to clean between and around teeth. If you find it very difficult to floss around your lingual brackets, this might be a good option. Make sure any model you choose has a seal of approval, and has been tested for safety and effectiveness.

  • Keep Current

Remember to keep up with your regular appointments at our Westwood, NJ office. It’s especially important to care for your mouth and teeth while you are wearing braces.

No matter what type of appliance you use, get in the habit of cleaning your teeth and braces after every meal and snack.  You will be rewarded with a beautiful and healthy smile when your orthodontic work is completed—and that’s the greatest benefit of all!

When Does an Underbite Need Surgery?

September 23rd, 2020

When does an underbite need surgery? The short answer is: when Dr. Sal Carcara and our team recommend surgery as the best way to give you a healthy, functional bite. But let’s take a longer look, and see just why your doctors might come to that conclusion.

  • First, what exactly is an underbite?

In a perfect bite, the upper and lower jaws align, well, perfectly. Upper teeth overlap lower teeth very slightly, upper and lower teeth meet comfortably, and jawbones and joints function smoothly. When the alignment is off, it causes a malocclusion, or “bad bite.”

When we talk about an underbite, or Class 3 malocclusion, it means that the lower jaw protrudes further than the upper jaw. This protrusion causes the bottom teeth and jaw to overlap the upper teeth and jaw.

  • What causes an underbite?

Sometimes an underbite is caused by childhood behaviors while the teeth and jaw are developing, including tongue thrusting or prolonged thumb-sucking and pacifier use. (Working to stop these behaviors before they affect tooth and jaw formation is one of the many good reasons children should have regular visits with their dentists and pediatricians.)

Most underbites are genetic, however, and tend to run in families. It’s estimated that from five to ten percent of the population has some form of underbite. The lower jawbone (mandible) might be overdeveloped, the upper jawbone (maxilla) might be underdeveloped, both bones could be affected, or, sometimes, tooth size and placement might cause an underbite. These irregularities in jaw shape and size and/or tooth crowding are not something that can be prevented, and require professional treatment.

  • Why? What’s the problem with an underbite?

Even a minor underbite can cause difficulties with biting and chewing. A more severe underbite can lead to speech problems, decay and loss of enamel where the teeth overlap, mouth breathing and sleep apnea, persistent jaw and temporomandibular joint pain, and self-confidence issues.

  • Can’t my dentist treat my underbite?

Most probably not. A very mild underbite can be camouflaged cosmetically with veneers, but this does not address the cause of the underbite, and will not work for moderate or severe underbites.

  • Can my orthodontist treat my underbite?

Dr. Sal Carcara will create an underbite treatment plan after a detailed study of each patient’s individual dental and skeletal structure. Treatment options will vary depending on the cause of the underbite, its severity, and even the patient’s age.

Early intervention is especially important for children who show signs of an underbite. That’s why we recommend that children visit our Westwood, NJ office by the age of seven.

If an underbite is caused by tooth misalignment or crowding, braces can reposition the lower teeth. Sometimes extractions are necessary to make room for proper alignment.

If the cause is due to jaw structure, children’s bones are still forming, so treatment can actually help correct bone development. Palatal expanders, headgear, and other appliances are various methods of encouraging and guiding bone development.

But braces and appliances aren’t effective for every patient with an underbite, and especially in patients (usually those in their late teens and older) when the jawbones are already fully formed. In this case, we might suggest coordinating treatment with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

  • What does an oral and maxillofacial surgeon do?

An oral surgeon has the training, experience, and skill to help correct an underbite by surgically reshaping and repositioning the jawbone. This corrective jaw surgery is called orthognathic surgery.

  • What will happen during orthognathic surgery?

Your treatment will be tailored to your specific needs. Two of the common surgical procedures for treating an underbite involve repositioning the upper jaw to lengthen it and/or reshaping the lower jaw to shorten it.

Bone is sometimes removed or added, small bone plates or screws are sometimes used to stabilize the bone after surgery—your surgeon will let you know exactly which procedures will give you a healthy, functional bite. The surgery itself is most often performed under general anesthesia and requires a brief stay in the hospital.

  • How will my orthodontist and oral surgeon coordinate my treatment?

Correcting a Class 3 malocclusion can take time. Your oral surgeon will work together with Dr. Sal Carcara to analyze the interrelationship of teeth, bones, and joints to determine dental and skeletal problems, and will develop the best treatment plan possible to create a healthy alignment.

  • So, when does an underbite need surgery?

Sometimes, a minor underbite can be corrected with braces and appliances alone. A serious underbite, however, will often require the specialized skills of both Dr. Sal Carcara and an oral surgeon.

And, while it’s not the primary purpose of surgery, corrective jaw surgery and orthodontics can also make you happier with your appearance and boost your self-confidence. Achieving a lifetime of beautiful, comfortable, and healthy smiles—that’s the answer to your question.

Clinical Excellence, Caring,
Cooperation, Comfort

Carcara Orthodontics is "committed to caring for your smile" by making quality treatment, patient satisfaction and personal comfort our priority. We summarize this commitment in the our values of Clinical Excellence, Caring, Cooperation, and Comfort.