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Damon® Smile Self-Ligating Braces

November 11th, 2020

Damon® Smile is a state-of-the-art braces treatment that enables you to get a healthy, straight smile more quickly and comfortably than traditional braces. Studies show Damon Smile requires up to six months less time to complete successful treatment.

However, a question many patients have is...

Why should I get braces?

Apart from the boost in self-esteem that straight teeth can give a person, some people wonder whether braces like Damon Smile are necessary. As Dr. Sal Carcara will tell you, braces offer many health benefits as well as aesthetic ones.

When you have evenly spaced teeth and correct bite:

  • It’s easier to brush and floss
  • There is less tension on the supporting bones and muscles of the mouth and jaw, which reduces stress and headaches
  • Chewing is more efficient (which can help your digestion)
  • There is less likelihood of tooth decay caused by inadequate oral hygiene since teeth are easier to clean — so this helps to prevent gum disease.

You can see the benefits of getting braces, but why Damon Smile instead of traditional braces or clear aligners? Damon Smile offers patients a highly customizable and discreet way of straightening their teeth. And it's suitable for almost all patients, unlike clear aligners, which can be used only in certain situations.

Since Damon Smile isn’t removable, the braces work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to correct your smile and bite. That means faster results with less chance of relapse!

Damon Smile doesn’t use elastics like traditional brackets, which means you experience less bacterial buildup and faster, more comfortable movement of your teeth. Did we mention Damon Smile also comes in a clear version? Damon® Clear™ lets patients move teeth discreetly as well as effectively. There is also a nickel-free option for patients who are sensitive to nickel.

These are just some of the many benefits of braces with Damon Smile. The next time you visit our Westwood, NJ office, ask Dr. Sal Carcara if you’re a good candidate for Damon Smile so you can experience the benefits yourself!

Eating with Damon® Smile Braces

November 4th, 2020

Damon Smile braces are a unique type of self-ligating braces that allow you to eliminate the rubber bands that cause so much trouble for traditional braces wearers. These braces use a steady pattern of pressure to correct your teeth, and they can shift your teeth more rapidly than traditional braces can.

The unique design of Damon Smile braces helps to reduce the buildup of food particles and debris that can tend to get lodged in the brackets of traditional metal braces. Thus, eating with Damon Smile can actually be easier because your cleaning job is simpler.

There are several different foods that you might want to focus on during your early days with Damon Smile braces. The most important thing to remember is that you need to focus on soft foods and non-chewy foods immediately after you get your Damon Smile braces. Remember to chew carefully and evenly as you start to adjust to your new braces.

As you become comfortable with the braces, consider gradually re-introducing the crunchier and harder foods that you usually enjoy. Most Damon Smile braces patients are able to eat virtually anything that they usually can, as long as caution is used. However, particularly chewy foods, for example taffy, are something that you might want to avoid in general.

Some Damon Smile braces patients tell us that they are successful in eating all the same foods they did prior to braces! Overall, you can expect a very smooth transition into wearing Damon Smile braces, and you will be able to enjoy remarkably fast smile correction at the same time.

If you are curious about Damon Smile braces or if you have specific questions about how they can help you, please feel free to contact our Westwood, NJ office anytime!

I Have Gum Disease. Can I Still Get Braces?

October 28th, 2020

Gum disease is one of our most common dental diseases, affecting both children and adults. If you are considering getting braces or aligners, make sure your gums are their healthiest before beginning orthodontic treatment.

  • Gingivitis

For both younger and older patients, gingivitis (mild gum disease) can be the result of poor brushing and flossing habits. When plaque builds up around the teeth and gums, it irritates delicate gum tissue. The gums become inflamed, and symptoms such as redness, swelling, tenderness, bleeding, and bad breath can result. Usually, your dentist can treat early stages of gingivitis with tips on more efficient brushing and flossing, a professional cleaning, and suggestions for mouth rinses if needed.

Because brushing and flossing with braces can be more difficult, you need to devote special attention to your cleaning routine to prevent gingivitis from developing after you start treatment. Talk to us any time about how to brush and floss most effectively when you wear braces. Dr. Sal Carcara can also recommend tools designed especially for braces wearers to get your teeth and gums as clean and plaque-free as possible. If you are a candidate for clear aligners, this option can make it easier to keep your teeth their cleanest. We’ll work with you to keep your gums healthy as your orthodontic work takes place.

  • Periodontitis

For older patients, gingivitis, left untreated, can eventually lead to periodontitis (severe gum disease). This chronic infection can lead to the formation of pockets between your gums and teeth that become home to bacteria and infection. Over time, periodontitis can lead to the destruction of gum, ligament, and bone tissue. Left untreated, it can lead to loose teeth and even bone and tooth loss.

Making sure you schedule regular dental exams will allow your dentist or periodontist to detect and treat any signs of periodontitis as early as possible. If you have any of the symptoms of gum disease, it’s important to treat the cause of these symptoms as soon as possible to protect your gums, bone, and teeth. Deep cleaning procedures such as scaling and root planing, topical and oral antibiotics, and oral surgeries such as flap surgery or bone and tissue grafting can help reverse the effects of periodontitis.

Because orthodontic treatment involves moving the teeth and re-forming the ligament and bone tissue, which hold them in place, you need healthy periodontal ligaments and bones to begin treatment. If you have suffered shifting teeth or bone loss due to periodontitis, talk to us. We will let you know at your visit to our Westwood, NJ office if you are a good candidate for orthodontic work, and which type of appliance is best for your periodontal health.

We are happy to talk to you about the best way to achieve an attractive smile and a healthy bite if gum disease has been a problem in the past. Most important, we want to make sure that your teeth and gums are their healthiest even before you begin orthodontic treatment. Preventing and treating gum disease will provide the foundation you need for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

The Damon® Smile Treatment Process

October 21st, 2020

Damon Smile braces have quickly become one of the most popular orthodontic treatments at our Westwood, NJ office. Offering a more comfortable and hygienic treatment, many patients now prefer this over all other available braces. Unlike traditional braces, Damon Smile does not have wires or brackets. It works with self-ligating braces that actually remove the need for the rubber bands and metal wires that come along with more traditional styles of braces.

What makes Damon Smile different?

The number one reason many patients prefer Damon Smile is because there is the option of getting them in clear! This reduces the problem of being self-conscience and gives the patient a more aesthetically pleasing smile while going through years of treatment. Also, patients who wear Damon Smile versus the traditional braces will have less pain since there are no bands that have to be tightened every month. There is often no need to extract teeth to make extra room in the patient’s mouth.

Oral hygiene can be a real problem for many teens wearing traditional metal braces. However, with the reduction of moisture and no metal brackets to trap food in, your teeth are able to stay cleaner easier.

What is the estimated treatment time?

Since Damon offers a more advanced technology that straightens teeth faster with less pain the treatment time can be drastically reduced. This is another reason Damon is preferred over other types of treatment. The treatment time will vary from patient to patient depending on what your individual goals are, so you need to make an appointment with Dr. Sal Carcara to get an estimate of what will benefit you the most.

Overall Success

Overall, patients are very happy with Damon Smile. With less irritation, less treatment time, as well as better-looking aesthetics, patients love all of the bonuses that come along with this style of treatment. Call our Westwood, NJ office and set up an appointment today with Dr. Sal Carcara to find out if this popular option will work for you.

Clinical Excellence, Caring,
Cooperation, Comfort

Carcara Orthodontics is "committed to caring for your smile" by making quality treatment, patient satisfaction and personal comfort our priority. We summarize this commitment in the our values of Clinical Excellence, Caring, Cooperation, and Comfort.